Saturday, August 22, 2009

UK Meanderings

Catching up on photos. Had a hard time narrowing down which to post. The rest are at:

A little skate park along the Thames. High ISO to slow things down, extra color noise fits right in!
450D, Ef-s 18-55 @ 43mm, 1/60s, ISO 1600

Detail of gatehouse at Edinburgh Castle.
450D, Ef-s 18-55 @ 39mm, 1/60s, ISO 200

Evening rainstorm over Ben Nevis (Highest mtn in UK at ~4300')

450D, EX 10-20 @ 12mm, 1/125s, ISO 200

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

I'm a big fan of the first one. You should send me a full-res image.